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Me and Dwana at at Bloggers Tea the Peninsula |
I'm so glad that I stepped out on faith a year and half ago with my blog because it has certainly paid off. Nope, no money, but I've met a lot of wonderful women through my blog, which has forged some wonderful friendships. But most importantly, I've been able to touch lives world wide that I never would have if I hadn't started blogging.
Venturing out into this New Media was scary because I never saw myself as a writer. I am undeniably a speaker. But if the truth be told, when I first started speaking, I didn't see myself as a speaker either. But in such a short time, I have been able to take my message to places I would have never on the speakers circuit. And on the other end, it has increased my speaking engagements.
Overall, the e-mails and support that I have received as a result of my blogs have been nothing short of phenomenal. Blogging has been a way for me to expand my ministry. But one of the greatest honors, is that my blog has made it to the CBS Chicago finals, as one of Chicago's Most Valuable Bloggers in the Health/Fitness/Medical category. You can vote for me once a day until September 9th. Vote HERE
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Me and Dwana at a bloggers Event |
Dwana and I have become very close and she is still trying to make my blog the best it could be, while working a full time job, blogging at her own site, Healthier, Happier, You @Houseonahill.Org, and the managing editor for Chicagonista Blog all things Chicago. But I think her most important job is raising her teen soon, I fondly call the Prince.
Raijean, Nikia and Kim at a Fashion Bloggers Event |
There are some bloggers who never Retweet others blog post or give them any kind of PR because of fear that their blog will not shine. But all of us, Dwana, Raijean, Nikia and Kim, do our best, support others and let our own work speak for itself.
The thing is, blogging is a way that we can share with our readers the best of what we know. It also focuses us to be our best. You will see us out and about learning all that we can. While some people take blogging loosely; A way to share what's on their mind, some of us, try to move beyond our own boundaries to provide diversity in our information.
To help my blog grow, I have attend Afternoon Tea at the Peninsula Hotel, sampled tons of teas, read up on dating, sex, sexually transmitted diseases, clothes and beauty and at the same time, attended serious Bloggers Conferences, like the one hosted by Chicagonista. I'm even keynoting a bloggers conference in October, Show Me The Blog, in St. Louis, MO.
Conferences, are an opportunity for me to learn and share with other bloggers as a way to help my blog grow and be the best it can be. Theses conferences are a great way of sharing information and bonding in a way that inspires you to be the best blogger that you can.
I'm happy to have forged a wonderful friendship with Bloggers at the top of their game. But equally important, I am glad that I moved beyond my fears and self-imposed limitations to allow God to use me through this new form of communication. Someone asked me on Facebook one day, "Where I get my topics?" Honestly, I just let God lead me. I'm never sure from day to day what I will write about, in spite of the fact, I have tried to work from a blog schedule like many bloggers do. It does not work for me. I just begin typing and God does the rest. But in doing so, I try to share the fullness of what I know from self-love to the best of life as a way to help enrich the lives of my readers.
Thank you for helping to make my blog a success by your readership!! Please help me grow continue to, share my blog with everyone you know. And don't forget to VOTE everyday until September 9th. Thanks! You Rock!
Blog Links For:
Dwana's Blog Houseonahill.org
Nikia's Blog ChiTownFashionista.com
Raijean's Blog Swag-Rai.com
Kim's Blog- AGirlAboutStyleAGirlAbout Style.com