Lunch was the most exciting part of school in those early days. I couldn't wait to get my butter cookie each day. Once I smelled those cookies, I would begin asking the teacher, "Is it lunch yet?" I think those butter cookies was the beginning of my becoming a food connoisseur. Today I am a real foodie.
Once I left Beethoven that was the end of butter cookies for me. Earl School had cold lunches and there was not a butter cookie to be found; And then we moved to the suburbs. I remember asking the luchroom staff at Chute Middle School in Evanston, where were the butter cookies? I dragged my feet with disappointment when I learned that butter cookies were a Chicago thing and there were none to be found in suburban Evanston schools.
I just knew I would never have a butter cookie again until I started dating a principal of a Chicago Public School in my mid-twenties. Yep, he brought them home often and now that I look back, that was the best part of that relationship. #JustSayin
Honestly, I hadn't thought about those butter cookies since forever until the other day. My friend Wilbert, brought one of his client's cookies over for me to sample.
WOW! Patrick's Gourmet Cookies are just how I remembered them as a child. I tried my best to savor the moment and eat them slowly, but the next morning I found myself in bed eating butter cookies and drinking tea. They didn't last a full 24 hours. When I went to his website, I learned that his passion for butter cookies is also rooted as a child in Chicago Public Schools.
His Peanut Butter Cookies are a close second and I can't wait until he launches his lemon cookies with icing. I think my life will be complete with Cafeteria Style Cookies. For sure Patrick's Gourmet Cookies will become a stable in my house. They go great with tea! Yes, Patrick's Butter Cookies are one of my Favorite Things!