Maybe you think you are just a little to busy to take the time to reflect on the goodness in your life. Please don't miss your chance to bless someone else with your gratitude post because you are so caught up in the busyness of the day. Furthermore, taking the time each night to reflect on the day, helps to keep us grounded. So often we get so caught up, reflecting reminds us of the goodness in our lives, especially on those crazy days. I hope you will join me next week. The Details To Join Are HERE!
On with the Gratitude Post For Today!
There are so many things that I can be grateful for. Yes, of course the obvious is life, health, friends, home and so on, but I'm trying to dig deeper and look at those things typically over looked.
Its like this, I had a very busy week and I accomplished a lot. I have a lot of new projects in the fire, on top of trying to make the existing RLT Projects work the best they can. I put in long hours each day this week and at the end of each day I felt very accomplished. But I must admit, each night I was most grateful for my assistant La Toya, she works long hours with me and she lives in another state.
She never says no, no matter what the project or how much time it takes. I've been known to be a tad of a workaholic and I expect everyone else working with me to have the same work ethic that I do; and you bet, I never ask someone to work longer than I do.
With this same, La Toya always steps up to the plate. I wish I could afford to pay her full time, but as it stands I give her a little something from the something that I get. I've known her since she was nine years old and she's grown into a talented young lady. I'm proud to know her! And I'm grateful that she chooses to use her talents for the work of all of RLT brands.
My gratitude toward her commitment to my ministry warms my heart. I understand that she is a God Sent....