I've heard it all, like I'm scared. If you are that scared of knowing then you really do need to know. It probably says that you have been in a position or two that left some level of doubt. It could be something as simple as, you had sex with someone you regret for some reason or the other. Or maybe, you learned they weren't all that they claimed to be at the front of the relationship, they were at the back end. I don't know your deep down reason for being scared, but I know it speaks to the fact that you really do need to know. Get tested and reduce your fears. If you are positive, well early treatment can give you a long life. However, most if you are negative then that weight is lifted and you can go on with your life making sure you stay that way. It's just that simple.
Now some people have said to me, I"'m not in that kind of relationship. I'm monogamous. My partner will never be outside of our relationship." Well at the end of the day you don't know what the hell your partner is capable of. What you know is what they tell you and what you see. And you better hope that what they tell you is true. At the end of the day, if the penis is not in your pocket you have NO idea what it's doing.
Besides that, you don't know what your partner comes to the table with. To live in a world this arrogant and or naive is dangerous. If you don't know your partner's HIV status then you don't know the most important thing you need to know about you or them.
Go Get Tested And Stop Playing!! Take your partner with you and if they don't love themselves enough to go with you, then they don't love themselves enough to be with you....
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